Contribute to the prosperous life of mankind by creating the best innovative products based on the synergy of human resources and technology.
- Based on customer-centered/win-win management/securing future growth engines.
- Fulfills our social responsibility.
- Attaches importance to the environment and health.
- Complies with laws and ethics.
- Respects customers, employees, and shareholders as our top priority.
- Always makes environmentally friendly products of the highest quality and fulfills its responsibility to protect the environment and safety.
- Provides optimized products and services by operating a team system dedicated to each customer.
- Satisfies customer's needs through quick and accurate analysis and response from a dedicated quality team.
- Synopex's technology research centers are striving to improve the best quality and price competitiveness through continuous R&D.
- Synopex's compliance management part enacts CP regulations, detailed guidelines, codes of conduct, manuals, etc., and conducts compliance through continuous employee training.
- We are receiving inquiries and reports to resolve inquiries, complaints, and concerns related to compliance management.
- Synopex's CP activities are operated as a system of basic procedures establishment-training execution-inspection monitoring-evaluation and reporting, and consisted of a circular process that is reflected in management.